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Terms and Conditions


Nutritional Therapy aims to support individuals to achieve improved wellbeing through evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle recommendations.

The degree of benefit obtainable from Nutritional Therapy will vary between individuals with similar health problems and following a similar Nutritional Therapy programme.

1:1 Nutritional advice will be tailored to support health conditions and/or health concerns identified and agreed between you and your Nutritional Therapist.


Your agreement with us comprises:


  • your completed and signed Nutritional Therapy Health Questionnaire, the signed Client Consent & Agreement documents & 3 Day Food Diary returned before initial consultation.

  • these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy documents sent to you prior to initial consultation.

  • These documents together form a legal and binding contract between you and us.



Charlotte Wright is a qualified professional.

She is:

  • a member of the professional body of the Naturopathic Nutrition Association (NNA), the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and the General Naturopathic Council (GNC)

  • An expert in nutrition, trained to a high level, and committed to Continued Professional Development

  • Approachable, knowledgeable and supportive

Your Nutritional Therapist is not qualified to diagnose medical conditions. Your Nutritional Therapy Agreement covers only the practice of Nutritional Therapy within your package and your Nutritional Therapist will make it clear if he or she intends to step outside this boundary. Your Nutritional Therapist may ask to consult with your GP should they have concerns about a medical condition. Nutritional advice is not a substitute for professional medical advice and/or treatment.



One to One Consultations

Your Nutritional Therapy programme will begin with either a face-to-face or virtual initial consultation (“Clinic”) with a Nutritional Therapist (NT), to be agreed between the NT and Client, and stated in the booking confirmation. If virtual, a secure, virtual platform will be used. A link for this will be sent from the NT. Follow-up sessions (“Follow-Up”) will be conducted face-to-face or virtually, depending on the client’s preference and location. A single consultation as part of a package is referred to as both a “Consultation” or a “Session”.

Initial Sessions are 60 minutes, and

Follow up Sessions are 30 minutes.

The nature of the packages offered are outlined on the Dandelion Natural Health website and may be updated or altered. This will not affect any packages already purchased.

A client’s chosen package can be booked after an initial conversation with the NT, referred to as the Discovery Call. This aims to identify the most suitable programme for the client. Confirmation will be sent by email to the client within 48 hours of booking and will include the consultation location if meeting face to face. The client is requested to contact  if confirmation is not received within this time.

Sessions must not be recorded, as all information held within a client file and discussed during a consultation is confidential.

Within 1 week of your Clinic Sessions, you will be provided with your Personalised Health Plan or relevant updates to your plan for you to implement.


Group and Corporate Work

Group nutrition and lifestyle medicine or wellbeing programmes, presentations and workshops can be arranged in a suitably agreed location, e.g. host’s place of work or home, a hired venue (hire costs will be incurred and payable by or charged to the client), or virtually.

Corporate programmes will usually be conducted at the client’s workplace in a suitable, pre-agreed location, or virtually.

Group work is not tailored to the individual and will address generic nutrition advice aimed at optimising general wellbeing. Dandelion Natural Health is not responsible for any dietary changes, nor any supplements or tests that an individual may take following a group workshop, as attendees will not have been individually assessed for potential drug/nutrient interactions or underlying health conditions. Health outcomes will vary from person to person, largely depending on their baseline health status at the start of the programme, and level of engagement with it. Dandelion Natural Health cannot predict the different outcomes to those attending, nor any reactions to general nutrition advice.


A Nutrition Pop-Up Clinic in a business setting combines a corporate wellbeing provision and a basic one-off 1:1 assessment, with optional follow-up to be booked by the company. For the purposes of this service, the terms relating to booking a private 1:1 nutritional therapy programme are not relevant. However, the collection, storage and management of all personal data acquired in delivering this package is subject to the Dandelion Natural Health company privacy policy.  1:1 assessments for the purposes of this service are generally organised and funded by the business client as part of their company’s health and wellbeing provision.  1:1 assessments booked under this service will not include a nutraceutical prescription, functional testing, nor private follow up provision, but further assessments or a formal nutritional therapy consultation may be recommended to support any health conditions disclosed.  Participants may be advised to seek medical attention.

Any No Shows to Pop-Up Clinic appointments will not be eligible for a refund, as this service is provided as per the Nutritional Therapist’s fixed day rate. Last minute substitutions will be at the discretion of the Nutritional Therapist and subject to completion of the pre-assessment paperwork. Re-scheduling of No Show individuals may be arranged, at an additional cost to the client.

The cancellation policy outlined below relates to all bookings, whether 1:1 consultations, group or corporate programmes.



Your NT may recommend well researched, quality food supplements and/or functional testing as part of your Nutritional Therapy programme. These are not included in Dandelion Natural Health packages; in some circumstances, Dandelion Natural Health may receive a commission on your purchase of such products or services, which reflects the time spent researching the product best suited to your case or interpreting a test report. Dandelion Natural Health will share a percentage of the commission with the client.


If you experience any adverse effect to a recommended supplement, you should report this to your NT immediately, cease taking the supplement, and, if symptoms are serious, to seek urgent medical advice. If you begin medication or other supplements, please inform Dandelion Natural Health.



Clinical packages include follow up telephone or virtual video calls between Sessions, outlined in the relevant package purchased, and are designed to check in with you, briefly assess your progress, and assist with any questions you have regarding your health plan. Minor tweaks to the plan may be agreed upon during these calls and will be recorded on your client file.

Your NT will also respond to any short queries you have by email, though queries requiring considerable additional research or time may be taken off your next Follow Up Session.


Emails will be acknowledged within 48 hours of receipt.


Contact via social media platforms or text message are not secure forms of communication between the NT and client, so will not be used to discuss client cases. A client may use a text message if this concerns appointment logistics.



You must pay for any 1:1 package or group workshop at the point of purchase. All payments for Nutritional Therapy Services must be made in full at the time of booking, before work on your case commences, prior to your initial consultation.

If you book a Service and you have not paid in full the Service will be cancelled.

You should retain a copy of the Nutritional Therapy Client Consent and your receipt for any payment of purchases you make.

Corporate programmes are invoiced with 21 days from booking to make full payment.



We understand that unforeseen events may require you to change or cancel your booking. Your NT will have invested time researching and preparing your case, presentation or programme prior to your consultation or workshop.


Therefore, we ask that you provide us with a minimum of 2 working days prior notice of any cancellations or changes to your booking, by contacting Dandelion Natural Health via email.

If you provide us with less than 2 working days prior notice of any cancellation or changes to your session booking, you will only be refunded 50% of the full session booking fee, to cover the time already invested in your case.

However, if you fail to turn up for a session, or cancel on the same day as your session or booking you will forfeit 100% of the full session booking fee (calculated pro-rata as a percentage of the whole package, if one session is missed) and no refund will be owed to you by us.


If we have to cancel or defer your session for any reason, your NT will give you at least 24 hours prior notice of any such cancellation or deferment. If our NT fails to give you at least 24 hours prior notice of any cancellation or deferment, the cancelled or deferred session will be rearranged or a full refund will be given for the Session, to be decided at our discretion.

Any rearranged sessions will be at a time mutually agreed upon between you and your NT.



Except as otherwise stated below, all Initial Nutritional Therapy Sessions must be booked and used within ninety days of the date of purchase, after which time any unused sessions will be lost and no refund will be made.

“Follow up Sessions”, forming part of a package, must be booked at the end of each prior Session and taken within the package set time frame ( e.g. 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months).

This is to ensure we deliver all your required sessions in a timely manner and to enable you to achieve your goals.


At the discretion of the company, you may extend the ninety-day period in which Nutritional Therapy Sessions purchased need to be used by, extending the period for up to twelve months from the date of purchase, for the following reasons only:

Serious illness

Serious injury


To extend your Nutritional Therapy Sessions you must contact Dandelion Natural Health; we may ask you to provide satisfactory proof of pregnancy, serious illness, serious injury or redundancy.


Any extension for any other reason is entirely at our discretion.



We will always endeavour to provide you with a quality service and want you to be satisfied with your purchase.

Under the UK Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013, you are entitled to a refund within 14 days of making a purchase online.

If work has begun on your case or booking requirements within those 14 days, a refund will be offered, but you will be liable to pay for the value of the service that is provided up to the point you cancel.

The right to cancel can be lost during the cancellation period if the service is provided in full before the 14 days elapses.


If your purchase relates to digital downloads, and you have downloaded digital content within 14 days of the contract or purchase, you will not be eligible for a refund.

If for any legitimate medical reason you are no longer able to complete any of your Nutritional Therapy sessions, we will refund you for any outstanding unused sessions. We may ask for you to provide us with satisfactory proof from your GP.


If your NT is unable to fulfil your booking, due to illness or unforeseen circumstances, we will endeavour to find you an alternative NT to continue your programme. If this is unacceptable or not possible, Dandelion Natural Health may offer you a refund for the remainder of the package, at their discretion.


Please direct any enquiries relating to refunds to



If you are receiving treatment from your GP, or any other medical provider, you should inform him/her about any nutritional strategy provided by your NT as there could be a possible reaction between the medication you are prescribed and the Nutritional Therapy programme.

You must inform your NT about any medical diagnosis, condition, treatment, medication, herbal medicine or food supplements that you have received, are undertaking, been prescribed or are taking as this may affect the Nutritional Therapy programme.

You must contact your NT promptly and without delay for clarification if you are unclear about the agreed Nutritional Therapy programme/food supplement doses/time period.

You must contact your NT should you wish to continue any specified supplement programme for longer than the originally agreed period, to avoid any potential adverse

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